Mobile anti-virus software

Mobile phones have become smart phones, Internet access has become commonplace era.
I will often see the news and say smartphones are exposed to the threat of the virus there.
Are also sold anti-virus software for smartphones.
Maker of anti-virus software are you appeal the dangers of smartphones.
However, mobile phones do I really become a target of the virus.
Of course, the principle that the program behavior is the same as a PC.
However, what I would think of how programmers who are making a virus and are targeting the smartphone.
Some say that the anti-virus software maker said would only have fueled fears actually.
If you think the person who put in the mobile personal information is to blame, even if the virus works on a smartphone, and not be harmed.
Most people would think that the mobile phone has become to have the functionality of the personal computer, and I need anti-virus software in the same way.
However, since there are no in the free software, please ponder is whether it should be purchased.
Are many people argue that the theory of anti-virus software is not needed.
Some people have likened to manufacture weapons of war for the sale of anti-virus software.
It is a market principles say sales of weapons to grow fueled by the war.
Anti-virus software I am selling it certainly fueled the threat of the virus.